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Aug 15 - UK MPs Tell NATO Spain Is An “Increasingly Unreliable” Ally

UK MPs have written to the Secretary General of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg, urging the international alliance to “take notice of…Spain's behaviour" towards Gibraltar, according to the website The Spain Report.

The letter, a copy of which has been obtained by The Spain Report, was sent on July 20 and signed by Jack Lopresti, the chair of the All Party Group for Gibraltar, and three colleagues.

It argues that “Spain's behaviour as a NATO Ally is becoming increasingly unreliable.”

The letter also highlights the fact that Russian warships are allowed to refuel in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta at a time of increased tensions following the Crimea/Ukraine crisis and international sanctions against Putin’s regime.

The letter also touches on the regular “unlawful incursions of Spanish state vessels into British Gibraltarian waters.”

It continues: "We are personally fearful that these incursions will eventually result in a serious incident at sea with collisions and a danger of serious injury."

A more detailed report can be read here: https://www.thespainreport.com/articles/839-160814195836-british-mps-tell-nato-spain-increasingly-unreliable-after-constant-unlawful-gibraltar-incursions
