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GSD Call Government's Response To SEN Report “Predictably Petty”

Below follows a statement from the GSD:

The GSD regrets the Government's response to the GSD statement on the Special Educational Needs (SEN) prevalence report.

The GSD had welcomed the Government commissioning this independent report. But this was clearly only a first step and there is a crying need to develop and plan for the future in light of this (now acknowledged) increase in children with SEN which is well above the UK average.

The GSD is open to cross-party collaboration on these critical issues with Mrs Sanchez recently stating on her social media "I remain available, as always, to offer my assistance and support. Cross- party collaboration on issues like these can benefit the entire community." Indeed, Mrs Sanchez frequently fosters cross party collaboration in her constituency work for the benefit of those we serve, whether this is reciprocated is another matter. The problem with the GSLP is that they say they wish to cooperate but only if you agree with them.

That is not mature constructive politics. The points made in the GSD press release were measured and reasonable.
Atrish Sanchez MP, Shadow Minister for Care & opportunity said: “The call on the Government to commission an independent audit/impact review to assess the notable increase in prevalence and its impact on our departments and service providers, with the aim of enhancing support, does not signify a lack of knowledge or depth. It was an obvious point given that the prevalence SEN report does not make that kind of detailed recommendations. We appreciate the Government may not share that GSD policy view but they should refrain from assuming superiority and belittling others in response to suggestions from elected members of parliament who are also here to serve. It would be prudent for the Government to avoid such condescending responses.
If the Government is willing to commission an independent report to investigate the "why" but hesitant to undertake an independent audit to evaluate the "what" needs to be done to adequately plan for the present and future, then this is a matter of policy disagreement with the Government.”

For her part, Joelle Ladislaus MP, Shadow Minister for Health and Public Health commented: “ The Government’s recent Press Release in response to my colleague, Mrs Sanchez’s, comments as to the SEN report is disappointing and wholly misplaced. I fully support the position taken by Mrs Sanchez both in her Press Release on the matter, and her subsequent interview on GBC. Whereas the GSD welcome the SEN report, and cross-party collaboration on this matter, we also recognise the glaring deficiencies in the current provision for children with special education needs, and the pressing need to address those issues. The Government is well aware of the fact that Mrs Sanchez’s portfolio covers the issues raised within the SEN report, and indeed that she brings a wealth of knowledge and personal experience in this area to the table. Whereas there is some overlap between her portfolio and my responsibilities relating to Health and Public Health, it is right and proper that my colleague be involved in any collaboration in respect of this crucial subject, and I hope that this is the case moving forward. Attempts at inciting division in the excellent working relationship between Mrs Sanchez and I, which the Government’s latest Press release appears to be aimed at, are nothing more than politicising of the critical matters at hand. Let me be clear that we continue to seek cross-party collaboration on this matter, and the Government, if it has the best interests of our community’s SEN children at heart would do well to accept Mrs Sanchez’s offer in this regard as her involvement can only be an asset.”