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Dec 20 - GSD Criticises Government 'Lack of Transparency'

gsdOver the last two months, the GSD Opposition has tried to obtain Health & Safety Audit Reports, which have been conducted in relation to schools.  A statement released today by the party notes, ‘these reports have, according to the Government, already been completed. They have set out various recommendations for works to be undertaken in schools. Already, a number of works are being undertaken on the basis of these reports.

‘It is a matter of public interest to the Opposition and to parents, to be able to understand what recommendations have been made in respect of Health and Safety at schools and which ones have been accepted and are being implemented by the Government and which have not.  Unfortunately, the Government is refusing to disclose the reports or provide a summary of the recommendations made and those accepted or rejected.

‘The excuse offered by the Minister last month for refusing to provide the information was that the works were in progress. With respect, this is a red herring. The issue is what recommendations have been made and which ones have been accepted by the Government.  In any event, this month, the Minister acknowledged that each report relates to each specific school and that work has now been completed in relation to some schools.  Despite this the Minister still refuses to provide the information even in respect of the schools where works have been completed.

‘It should be recalled that the GSLP-Liberals fought an election on a platform of transparency and accountability, professing a New Dawn.  More meetings of Parliament do not increase transparency or accountability if the Government continuously refuses to provide the Opposition with information, which is clearly in the public interest.  The point is not limited to Health and Safety reports.  The Government is making it a habit of refusing to provide information in answer to legitimate questions.’