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Mar 14 - GONHS Says Feetham Is Mistaken About Objections To Europa Point Park

GONHS has said that Opposition Leader Danny Feetham made an incorrect statement in yesterday’s interview on GBC. GONHS says that, during an interview on the proposed football stadium, Mr Feetham claimed that GONHS had previously “condemned and criticized” the building of a park at Europa Point from an environmental point of view, back when the GSD was in government.

In clarifying its position, GONHS has said that it did not criticise or condemn the creation of a children's play park, which was built on an area that was not vegetated.

Instead, says a release from the group, GONHS criticised (1) the destruction around Harding's Battery of native flora that is well adapted to the extreme conditions at Europa Point, and (2) the use of plants in the new landscaping at Europa Point that were ill-suited to strong winds and salt spray.

GONHS repeats that it has already stated that it appears from the design that no natural habitat will be impacted by the construction of the proposed stadium. If there is an impact, then GONHS will oppose this and press for solutions that do not affect natural habitats. Furthermore, GONHS expects that any landscaping in the area will be “sensible”, use only plants that can survive Europa Point's conditions and enhance the area's value for flora and fauna.