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Nov 05 - Number Six Says Opposition “Has Jumped The Gun” With Europa Stadium Ltd Criticism

The Government has said that, in its “overriding eagerness to criticise everything that the Government does, the Opposition continues to jump the gun and to betray a distinct lack of knowledge across the board on a whole range of issues.”

The latest Opposition criticism regarding the formation of a Government owned company called Europa Stadium Ltd is, says Number Six, a case in point.

The company, explains the Government, is an internal vehicle set up by the Government in the event that the land at Europa Point were to be transferred to the Gibraltar Football Association for the construction of a football stadium. This would only happen, stresses the Government, if planning permission were to be obtained by the applicant.

“This is purely an administrative decision,” concludes a statement, “and it has no wider significance because the vehicle has not been used.”

“The Government would have been happy to have explained the process to the Opposition if they had only bothered to ask!”