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Dec 12 - Transformations to Health and Environment - Says Dr. Cortes

cortes A GSLP Party Political Broadcast, shown on GBC yesterday evening followed Health Minister Dr. John Cortes' touch upon Health and Environment policies being enforced. The full text is as follows:

'Good evening.

How time flies.  It seems like yesterday that I was working in the Alameda Gardens, presenting shows and sitting in Court  as a  justice of the peace.  But it was all of three years ago.

Time does fly, and as we go on, we tend to forget how things were just a short time ago.

But when I think about it, I remember three years ago when I found I had to go into politics, how different things were.

I remember when I used to attend meetings of the Development and Planning commission, which were held in secret, and how at meetings I was often reminded that nothing could be revealed of what was discussed.  Now it's public and open and everyone gets a chance to have their say.

I remember when Parliament sat so rarely that you forgot it even existed and government was almost by decree – with no one ever daring to stand up and disagree.  I remember when Laguna, Glacis and Moorish castle Estates were forgotten.  Forgotten with no prospect of their ever being remembered.

I remember a Gibraltar that was stale and inward looking, never looking out far, never trying to stretch out to the world, to send out its message. 

How far we’ve come.  So much has changed.  And yet, because human nature is what it is, sometimes we just take for granted the fact that we now live in a New Gibraltar.

For there has been a revolution in Gibraltar and in how Gibraltar does things.  We are investing in ourselves.  In improving our quality of life – as in the renovation of the estates and the Town, in building new schools and new homes.  And we are investing in our image.  By reaching out.  To Brussels, to the United States, to the Far East.  By bringing to Gibraltar the best of the best in music, culture, literature, thinkers and decision makers, so that they see for themselves who we are and what we represent, and take with them the real image of Gibraltar.  A Gibraltar that is dynamic, confident, proud but friendly, a threat to no one and a possibility to many.

Never in our history have so many people around the world got to know about us so much nor have so many prominent people sung our praises. 

This is the way to counter the attacks and malicious name-calling of our neighbours. So that when people hear their lies and accusations they will know the truth and laugh them off, leaving the government of Spain frustrated and embarassed.

In my own portfolios, I think that we can all see how the health service is moving forward.  There's still much to do, but we have increased our capacity, slashed waiting lists, improved on options, introduced new services, and achieved an empowerment of professionals, both clinicians and support staff, which is achieving great results which benefit all.

We are now screening for colon cancer, which has already saved lives, and next month we'll start a screening programme for another silent killer, aortic aneurysm, to which I've lost two good friends this last year.

Our staff are better trained, with more opportunities for local progression, and our doctors and allied health professionals will soon be much better regulated, improving standards and safeguarding patients more.

These are massive changes in  a very short space of time.

In the environment we are moving forward on recycling, keeping EU targets, working on air quality, which will be hugely helped by the new power station, which will at long last see the end of the noise and pollution  from the ancient power stations at Waterport and the south district. 

We are protecting our wildlife, with successful re-introductions of Barbary partridges and wild rabbits, and much, much more.

Including of course determined action to reduce disturbance from the apes which, although still a problem in some areas – which is being addressed with the same determination – is greatly reduced in others.

And what can I say about Commonwealth Park?   What a tremendous gift that's been to the community, especially to the very young, who love running on the grass and splashing in the fountain, and to our senior citizens who can walk around or sit peacefully with the sound of water and the sight of trees, in the very heart of our city.

Next year we will see a number of other initiatives coming to fruition.  The new on-site  hospital kitchen will deliver improved food to the patients. 

A number of initiatives will reduce hospital waiting times further, there will be more resources in Accident & Emergency to improve its efficiency, and the health centre appointment system will be streamlined and see new ways of making appointments.  

The first phases of the full computerisation of health care will be up and running, to ensure that all patient records are available to all health professionals instantly and no matter where you are.  We will have a new state of the art CT scanner in St Bernards.

Most significantly, very soon, we will be saying goodbye to the old, decrepit KGV Psychiatric home and moving to the new, spectacularly beautiful Ocean Views mental health centre at the Royal Naval Hospital site. 

This will not only be wonderful for our mental patients, but will also set the whole of mental health care going in a new direction.

Together with the new mental health Act which we are working on, and the work of the mental health charities which keeps on advancing, it will transform mental health.

And we'll continue to work together with all the health related charities too.

In environment, we will see additions to the area of parks, and the Upper Rock will be transformed.

Already we have many more foot paths, areas that had been filled with rubbish have been cleaned, and remember that after many years closed we opened up Princess Caroline’s Battery to the community again. 

New attractions are being designed and the facelift will continue.  We want the upper rock to be enjoyed by the community.  Because this is a government that cares for the community, that plans for the community and wants to give back to the community.

Yes, time has flown.  But think how much has been achieved.  Remove from Gibraltar everything I've just mentioned, and everything else we've done, and what are we left with?

So consider the facts, not the comments of those who seek to achieve instability, and be proud.

I can't wait to continue to work hard for the community over the coming year.

Good evening, thanks for listening, and have a very happy Christmas season.'