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Dec 12 - GBC Poll Voters Undecided on Which Party to Vote For

viewpoint Revealed during last night’s episode of Viewpoint, was a host of fresh results from a GBC commissioned ‘Pre-Election Opinion Poll’. The episode saw Chief Minister Fabian Picardo debate with Opposition Leader Daniel Feetham over a host of issues put to a sample of 650 voters.

When asked how they would rate the performance of the Government since coming into office, 17% said Very Good, 41% said good, 28% said fair, whilst 8% said poor and 6% said Very Poor.

Survey takers were also questioned on the performance of the Opposition with 3% claiming they were doing a Very Good job, 23% believing they were doing a Good job, 44% saying fair, 17% saying poor and 13% saying very poor.

On the issues that will be most important to survey takers during the next election the New Power Station took precedence at 25%. The second most important issues was Employment with 19% of the vote, then State of Public Finance and Commerce/ Frontier Fluidity both coming in at 12.5%. 12% were more concerned about housing, whilst 10% said Traffic/ Parking, 8% said Relations with Spain and 1% said the location of the new UEFA Grade Football Stadium.

53% of the poll claimed to be undecided, if a General Election was held tomorrow, whilst 33.5% said they would vote for the GSLP/ Liberals and 13.5% chose the GSD. When questioned on Ad Hoc talks with Spain, a method of communication that has been backed by both sides of the political spectrum, 67% of the poll said they backed the idea, 29% were undecided and 13% said no.

Finally the survey asked voters whether commercial fishing should be permitted in BGTW, under a properly regulated licensing system. 47.5% of the poll said yes, whilst 27.5% said no and 25% were undecided.