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May 11 - GSD Challenges Government To Publish Safety Reports

The GSD has said that the Government’s reaction to the its leaflet on LNG is another illustration that it is “incapable of having meaningful debate without resorting to their now familiar and sterile lines.”

The Opposition says that these well-known lines are things like: “Danny Feetham is deceiving you and is scaremongering” “Danny Feetham is giving the PP ammunition” “Danny Feetham does not know what he is talking about.” 

However, the GSD now argues that it is no longer Danny Feetham that is expressing concern about at what it sees as the “total lack of transparency” and the manner in which the Government is “potentially mortgaging the future of our children with eye watering levels of public debt and spending.” The Opposition stresses that it is also “high profile professionals” such as Roy Clinton, the CEO of a Private Bank and former President of the Bankers Association, Chris White, former Commissioner of Income Tax and leading Tax Lawyer, Robert Vasquez QC, a former member of the FSC and leading finance centre lawyer and Nigel Feetham another former member of the FSC and leading finance centre lawyer who have expressed serious concern at the way the Government is handling public finances. 

A statement continued: “On the safety implications of LNG bunkering terminals at the North and Detached Moles, the GSD will be making available an expert report very shortly which is much more than the Government have done.  People have the right to know the risk and have the right to make their own minds up without the Government trying to hide behind the argument that it will give the Partido Popular ammunition. If the Government had done their homework and undertaken all the necessary risk analysis before they committed to this project back in 2012, they would not be in the predicament they are today.  Their lack of competence, thoroughness and their haste to get rid anything that is GSD, such as the GSD plans for a power station at Lathbury Barracks, has got them into this mess.  The GSD challenges the Government to publish all safety reports on which the decision to go ahead with this ill-advised project was made.”
