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May 19 - GSD: Government “Incapable Of Accepting A Truth”

The GSD says it notes the “careful use of language” in the latest Government press release claiming credit for the St Bernard's school idea. According to the GSD, such careful use of language, which it argues is “calculated to mislead the public, while at the same time leaving the door open for some highly technical excuse for not being straight with the public” has become a trademark of the GSLP/Liberal administration.

The Opposition claims that “whether lying to Parliament over £30-40M loans to floating hotels or monies given to the GFA, [the Government] attempts to use tricks of language to avoid honest answers, preferring to try and hide the truth from the public. The people of Gibraltar grow tired of this style of politics.”

The GSD says that, in this latest episode, the Government has been very careful to say that "If the construction of the two new schools had been work in progress", in response to the statement by former Minister Beltran. However, the GSD stresses that a project of this nature “does not simply get constructed” adding that complex planning must be undertaken and these plans were drawn up by the previous GSD administration and taken forward by this administration, substantial demolition had taken place in order to expose those parts of the old buildings we see today.

As for the attacks by Government on the GSD's secondary education policy, announced last year, Trevor Hammond, party Chairman said "GSD policy remains to move secondary education in its entirety to a new state of the art campus at Rooke. In doing so we will be able to equalise subject options for all students and provide them with the best possible facilities whether in academic or vocational subjects, it will make the introduction of new subjects easier, broadening the options for our students.”

Mr Hammond goes on: "I also remind everyone that this project would permit us to move Governor's Meadow and Bishop Fitzgerald into the still excellent Westside site, a great improvement on their current facilities, and in moving Bayside we would be able to deliver our commitment to expand Victoria Stadium into a Cat3 or even Cat4 stadium without resorting to the destruction of Europa Point as the GSLP/Liberals plan.  Governor’s Meadow, Bishop Fitzgerald and Bayside are some of the forgotten schools of this administration, who prefers to lavish money on luxury extensions to No 6 Convent Place. We have already conducted a consultation exercise and these plans have been very well received.  However if elected we will again consult teachers and parents because the GSD believes in listening to people.

"The sweeping nature of these changes is of course something that would concern Government as they are incapable of considering projects, other than in isolation. We strongly believe that our plans would have enormous benefits for our community, these remain our policies should the GSD be elected."
