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Jul 16 – GSD Says Rooke Site Would Be Used For The Benefit Of The Community

The GSD says it fully understands that it is the GSLP/Liberal Government’s role to decide and implement all that it wishes to do. 

However, the GSD says it would use the Rooke site for the benefit of the community by building there a new comprehensive school, in manner that enhances the environmental use of Europa Point by allowing for the location of the UEFA compliant football stadium in the area of Victoria Stadium additionally taking up what is currently Bayside School.

A statement from the Opposition said: “What the GSD can and does do is point out the GSLP/Liberal mistakes and emphasise what the GSD would do when elected to Government. 

“The GSLP/Liberals would have us believe that they are wasting tax payer’s money by advertising for expressions of interest from private sector developers, investors and organisations without any intention that the site should be used by any of them for their own commercial interest.  Pull the other one!” 
