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Nov 06 - SHSG Publishes Election Wish List

The Secular Humanist Society of Gibraltar has approached both the GSD and the GSLP-Liberal Alliance with their one-item wish list, asking for clarification on the manner in which religious institutions are financed by governments and for constructive proposals for the future. 

A spokesman for the SHSG said: "Congratulating both the GSLP/Liberal and GSD teams on their selection for the upcoming elections, the Secular Humanist Society of Gibraltar (SHSG) has repeated its "deep commitment to freedom of conscience and expression" as fundamental to the human and democratic rights of any people.

"That includes religious and secular freedoms. And it includes executive accountability and freedom of information, which we know, for instance, the Interim Chief Minister plans to bring to the statute books if elected.

"It is in this constructive and positive spirit, therefore, that we look forward to meeting now with the Parties.

"We have relayed our one-item Wish List to the Interim Chief Minister and to the Leader of the Opposition which, additionally to asking for clarification on the manner in which religious institutions are financed by governments, also makes constructive proposals for the future.

"SHSG is strongly committed to the participation of ordinary citizens in deciding the manner in which they are governed. On the issues with which we are concerned as a group, SHSG proposes amendments to our tax law which will allow ordinary working people to indicate whether a stipulated percentage of their annual tax returns should be destined for social and charitable purposes. This will include different religious denominations, as well as areas of humanitarian support.

"As a group, we do not consider it fair that politicians should have to navigate through what will become an increasingly fraught area of social values in the future without clear indicators from citizens themselves. Models already exist in other countries for this type of elective contribution, and this group has already indicated to Messrs. Picardo and Feetham its willingness to work cooperatively towards the end of bringing a modern approach to our current treatment of secular and religious issues.

"We have already been promised a meeting with the interim Chief Minister and are awaiting details, whilst we also look forward to similar arrangements with the Leader of the Opposition."
