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Nov 11 – ERG Calls For Gib Solidarity With MoD Workers

The Equality Rights Group has said that it stands “in irrevocable solidarity” with all MOD workers facing the threat of redundancy and job losses.

This was the message from Equality Rights Group Chairman, Felix Alvarez, at yesterday’s march organised by Unite the Union in support of workers.

Mr Alvarez continued: “We thank the leadership of Unite the Union for the initiative they've launched, and call on all of Gibraltar to stand firmly and squarely with these workers. Civil Society in Gibraltar knows how to stand with its own. We cannot fail each other when times get tough for any of us. We are facing many difficulties, and our best defence is to stand together.

“Equality Rights Group will fight for the justice due to this sector of this community, and is grateful also to GGCA and NASUWT/GTA for their support and presence at today's event.

“We can't just call for justice when it affects us directly only. The first rule of Justice is to always be willing to stand in defence of others before expecting solidarity for ourselves. ERG lives by this premise, and we will continue to do so. Unite and its workers have our total support,” the statement ended.
