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May 03 - Gibraltar Mental Welfare Society Book Launch

The Gibraltar Mental Welfare Society will be holding a book launch on 8th May, at 3.30pm at John Mackintosh Hall. The poems and writings in the book are the result of work produced by students from the Gibraltar College, when they were invited to write on issues pertaining to mental health.

The book will be launched during the week dedicated to Mental Health Awareness which this year carries the theme: Surviving or Thriving.

A spokesperson said: “We believe very strongly that people with mental health problems should be given the support they need so that they do in fact thrive and not just survive. It is obvious that to ensure this happens, as far as possible across society, that young people's needs in this field have to be met.

“We would like this book launch to encourage people to focus on the way that mental health problems can impact young people and on the crucial importance of ensuring that as much support as necessary is available to them, in order to avoid the escalation of these problems. It is clear to us that this objective is most likely to be met if early intervention takes place and treatment is offered to those who require it.”

The book will be launched by the Minister for Health Neil Costa. The general public is welcome to attend between 4.30 and 5.30, when they will be able to buy a copy of the poems, or simply have a look at the work.

The committee members of the GMWS will also be available to discuss any concerns related to mental health that those attending might wish to raise.
