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Mar 05 - Bronze Award Participants Return From Adventurous Journey Section

Over the weekend a group of 41 participants undertook their qualifying venture for the Adventurous Journey Section of their Duke of Edinburgh bronze award.

The participants carried out activities such as camp craft, research for group projects, map reading and navigation as well as hiking 24km in the area. The participants, who were self-sufficient during the venture, carried all their equipment, food and tents and, spent two nights under canvas.

A spokesperson said: "On Friday evening the participants arrived at the campsite in high spirits and looking forward to the challenges that lay ahead.  On arrival they set up their tents and soon after were briefed, by the Adventurous Journey Supervisor, on aspects of the routes and emergency procedures.  Later, after eating their pack meals, they relaxed and waited for lights out and sleep.


"The participants, working in their individual groups of 6 or 7, got on with the task and by 7:45am were ready to leave. Three of the groups were driven to their start points about 12km away whilst the others started their hikes from the campsite. Award leaders and Assessors monitored their progress by way of check cards, which the participants had to leave at specific locations on their routes, as well as meeting them at ad hoc locations.  On the occasions when the Award leaders managed to catch up with a group, they topped up their water supplies.

"Sunday was basically a repeat of the first day with the difference being that the teams hiked along different routes. As with the first day, some groups completed their journeys by mid-afternoon with others arriving later in the day. Regardless, of arrival time, all groups were debriefed by the Assessors who asked participants to re-count their experiences and highlights of the weekend’s challenge.  All were happy to learn that they had successfully completed the physical portion of their qualifying Adventurous Journey.

"All that needs to happen now is for the groups to prepare and present a report on the aim of the Adventurous Journey; with the topics ranging from the local flora to recycling and litter.  These will be presented, in a couple of weeks, to the Assessors and other Award leaders; after which the participants can look forward to having their qualifying ventures signed off as complete.

"The Award would again like to thank the Bland Group and Toyoa Stockholdings (Gibraltar) Limited for their continued support with the transportation requirements without which many of the ventures would not be possible.  Also, a huge thanks to the Award’s adult volunteers for giving up their free time over the last few months, to help train and prepare the participants for this part of the programme, as well as accompanying them over the weekend."

For further information on the venture please contact the Chairman of the Open Award Centre, Paul Lyon on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. To learn more about the Award as a whole please contact the National Director, Michael Pizzarello, on 20051971 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
