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Minister Balban's Statement - Tuesday Press Conference

Here’s the full text of Minister Balban’s statement from this afternoon’s COVID-19 press conference:

Hospital Stats:

Further to the DCM’s statement, I would like to supplement the information provided by stating that;

We have 128 free beds in SBH in total, this includes 11 free beds in our COVID CCU, 11 free beds within our non-COVID CCU and 29 free beds within our COVID Ward.

There are 190 free beds at our Nightingale Facility bringing our total of free beds to 318.

In reply to a press question last week, Public service HR have issued a total of 315 letters to healthcare staff including GHA, ERS and the Care Agency to be able to cross the border each day to come to work.

This represents close to 25% of all healthcare staff – mainly in nursing (approx. 65%) and less so in other disciplines

There may be others who have made their own arrangements to stay in Gibraltar, so they may not have asked for a letter. 

During the period 2nd March to 6th April a total of 45 packages of care assessments have been carried out in the community to those who have been affected by the lockdown where family members have been unable to attend to their needs.

In addition, the Care Agency in conjunction with the GHA, have provided specific training when required to their staff attending vulnerable groups e.g. in colostomy and feeding PEG care.

In more complex cases, the Care Agency has also arranged meetings with care providers to develop specific care plans so that carers are clear on what tasks need to be provided.

The Care Agency have recently engaged with the Housing Department in order to assess the needs of patients within the community, living within Government rented pensioner flats who have been further affected by the recent increase in lockdown measures. These were implemented to further protect residents following a confirmed case within these estates during the lockdown period.

Local PCR Testing Equipment

Our lab’s initial validation results for our local PCR Testing Equipment are very positive. Microbiology staff have been working around the clock to ensure that the validation process is as robust and fit for purpose as possible.

This will allow us to provide consistent and reliable results which is of utmost importance for us in our fight against COVID.

The setting up process for any complex scientific process is never simple, and as expected we were faced with several stumbling blocks related to mechanical aspects of the equipment.

These have now been resolved with the help of a specialist technician who was flown out for this specific purpose. We are now back on track to continue with the validation process.

We are hoping to be in a position to be able to confirm a final “go-live” date as soon as possible.


The GHA continues swabbing via our Drive Thru facility.

Since 23rd March, over 700 swabs have now been taken using this facility.

I wish to thank those of you who participated in our random sampling tests which have now been completed. We are now awaiting the final test results to be able to analyse the results.

This trial helps us to predict the progression of the infection and allows us to assess the success of our current isolation and lockdown measures and social distancing within the community. 

We continue receiving swabs from our suppliers and we currently have good numbers of supplies in stock.


I am very pleased to announce that we have just surpassed the £1 Million mark by way of donations.

The generosity of the community has no bounds. I have no words to express how proud we should all be of a community that above all, looks after the interests of others in such an unselfish manner.

We have received donations ranging from £5 to thousands of pounds from companies, tenants’ associations as well as individual members of the community. We are most grateful. These funds will be used specifically to help fund our COVID 19 crisis generally in all ways deemed necessary from personal protective equipment to ventilators.

We have also received many physical donations from surgical masks to ventilators and we have also received assistance to provide foods for front line staff.

Some members of the community have even been producing face shields using 3D printers for use by health and medical professionals.

I would like to mention however, that if any member of the community or group wishes to help manufacture any items including handmade masks that they should provide us with a sample prior to embarking on a potentially time consuming and expensive exercise as many items need to adhere to very specific infection control standards.

For those who may wish to donate, please remember to email the ministry on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to inform us of any incoming donation so that we can check receipt and issue you with a confirmation.

I thank you all for your generosity.  


Once again, we are doing well simply because you are observing the measures in place and we know that 8/10 surveyed were very supportive of the measures in place.

Any success in these measures is directly attributable to your efforts as a community in adhering to and following the imposed measures which are critical to our health. This will result in much better outcomes for all, especially among our most vulnerable groups.

Once again, I would like to thank everyone within Team GHA, ERS and the Care Agency who fall under our responsibility.

We remind you please follow the advice as given and updated from time to time. But one thing has not changed and that is please wash your hands regularly, stay at home and only go out if absolutely necessary.

Keep safe, keep healthy and keep in touch with your friends and relatives to make sure that they are well.