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Loreto Convent Win Nautilus Project World Oceans Day Competition

Loreto Convent School has been awarded first prize in a competition organized by The Nautilus Project which celebrated World Oceans Day.

A statement from Loreto Convent School follows below:

In a ceremony held on World Oceans Day 2020, Loreto Convent was awarded the overall school prize in a competition hosted by The Nautilus Project.  The theme of the competition was 'New Decade, New Habits'.

A statement continued: “All of us at Loreto are working hard to share the environmental messages of reducing pollution and waste, encouraging recycling and reusing of items we would previously have thrown away, refusing single-use plastics and refilling our reusable water bottles.

“Members of the Loreto Sustainable School Committee met weekly and carried out many activities in school, such as presenting to younger year groups to share their messages, creating recycled Christmas wrapping paper and hosting guest speakers.  As a group, the LSSC decided to promote the Traffic Free Tuesdays initiative and invited all to join them on their Tuesday walks to school. By supporting these walks, the children were showing the community at large that walking is healthier for our bodies and better for the environment.  Reducing car exhaust pollution is crucial for a cleaner Gibraltar and for healthier lungs.  Our school welcomed Alison Cook from the British Lung Foundation who spoke to us about the valuable work the charity does in encouraging initiatives to promote cleaner air.  She was very supportive of all the children who regularly walk to school.

“We would like to thank the students, parents and teachers who have supported Loreto Convent in its mission to create a healthier, more sustainable and environmentally-friendly school.  We would also like to thank Lewis and Melanie Stagnetto of The Nautilus Project for their continued support and encouragement throughout the year and The Hon. Paul Balban and Dr. Sohail Bhatti for their interest and support.

“Covid-19 may have disrupted our schedules and plans this year, but our environmental messages still stand.  We look forward to the next academic year with many more ideas for the school to move forwards with and can't wait to get started on these.  Join us!

#LoretoConventSchool #TrafficFreeTuesdays #champions #Gibraltar #GreenGibraltar #walk #plasticfree #NewDecadeNewHabits #TheNautilusProject