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Extension To Cycle Lane

The Ministry of Transport has announced the expansion of the cycle infrastructure. 

A statement from the Government follows below:

The current cycle lane along Europort Avenue, which ended outside St Martin’s school, has been extended to the end of this road allowing cyclists and PLET users alike a safer passage all the way to the Europort area, an area with large number of residents,workers and visitors to GHA facilities. This cycle lane is now 2-way so cyclists and PLETs can now transit east and westbound safely via Europort Avenue. This cycle lane is operational as from Thursday 1st August 2024. 

This year alone (2024), the cycle lane by Bayside Road has recorded over 400,000 trips. 

The Ministry for Transport is committed to the expansion and increasing uptake of sustainable transport, and the continued development of the cycle lane infrastructure is a part of this commitment. 

Pedestrians as well as cyclists and PLET users are reminded to exercise caution due to newly implemented road markings, signs and new road layouts. 

The Minister for Transport, Prof John Cortes, said: “As promised, we start the new financial year with a new stretch of cycle lane, and very soon with an increase in bicycle stands, while the team is hard at work in continuing to plan other initiatives.”