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Nov 25 - Youth Clubs Prepare for Three Kings Cavalcade

youthLast weekend, twenty young people and three Youth Workers took part in a residential course, which formed the last part of the ‘Feel Good’ project delivered at the Youth Centre during the year. The project focused on raising levels of confidence and self-esteem in the participants by providing opportunities to reflect on themselves and develop in a mixed interest group and setting.

Throughout the weekend young people took part in various workshops involving: goal planning, vision boards, T-shirt design creations and a photo session experience. In addition, those who took part had the opportunity to develop their group work skills as they had responsibilities for cooking and cleaning over the two day period.

In the meantime, the Youth Centre is focusing on creating a cavalcade float and working on next summer’s youth exchange trip.

Meanwhile, a group of eleven members from Plater Youth Club, all aged between 11 and 14, went on their own residential course earlier this month. The location chosen was the Europa Retreat Center. The group wanted a ‘sleepover’ experience and this was a perfect opportunity to have one and to continue building on the relationships between the group and the workers.

The Plater Youth Club group will now start working towards the construction of the float for the Three Kings Cavalcade in January 2014 in conjunction with the Youth Centre and Dolphins Youth Club. Young people are encouraged and supported at all times to consider opportunities brought to their notice and to contribute with their own ideas and proposals.

For further information or on how to become a Youth Volunteer please contact the Youth Office on 20075020 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..