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Oct 29 – Things I Think About (When I Think)

By Stefano Blanca Sciacaluga

The three times when I think clearest are when I’m in the shower in the morning, when I’m driving or when I’m walking somewhere (preferably in the dark). And if I manage to do all of these at the same time, imagine! It’s only happened a couple of times but the ideas were incredible. So anyway, here are six things I’ve thought about; some recent some a bit older, but all of them things that have made me think and here they are, to make you think.

1. When we wear jeans we wear blue trousers.

Last Friday for the first time in months I wore jeans, and as I was putting them on I realized: Jeans are blue. BLUE. It’s not a big deal really; I wear blue trousers to work sometimes. Now I know there are things that don’t go with jeans (or at least things I just wouldn’t wear) but in general jeans are believed to go with everything. BUT THEY’RE BLUE. I’ve always thought Homer Simpson’s trousers looked a little off, now I know why; even if I’ve been wearing jeans for years.

2. Old men have moustaches they shaped decades ago.

This is something I’ve been slowly realising for some time. It all started looking through some old family photos where I noticed a lot of the men, in their 20s and 30s in the photos, have the same moustaches they have today, in their 70s and 80s. And I’ve been told by old men, “I’ve had the same moustache for years”. So the other day walking down Main Street it hit me: A LOT of old men in Gibraltar have had the same moustache that they shaped maybe fifty or sixty years ago. Maybe they haven’t even had a clean-shaven lip for the whole time. Think about it, let it sink in.

3. There are places in the world, where people live, that are kilometres away from water sources.

Countless hours on Google Earth made me realise something: Most cities and towns are either near a body of water (be it a lake, river or sea) or in a strategic position (like say on top of a mountain, like a castle), for obvious reasons of course. Recently I’ve been fascinated with barren landscapes, places like the south west of the States and I realised, via Google Earth, that there are more places than I’d imagined ridiculously far away from water sources. What were the settlers thinking? Survival freaks?

4. Everything goes inside something else.

This one’s a personal favourite. I like to use it to mess around with people and challenge them, sometimes for drinks on a night out. It’s pretty self-explanatory: EVERYTHING everywhere goes, or has gone, inside something else at one time or another. If you think of something that beats this theory please get in touch, because I’ve been thinking about it for years.

5. If it’s impossible to imagine the many thousand scenarios being played out in just Gibraltar, imagine the rest of the world.

Sometimes when I’m doing something really mundane, at home, I try to imagine what other people are doing, in their homes. So I’ll be watching TV and I’ll look out my window and try to think of what all the people in the other buildings I can see are doing. But it’s impossible to imagine all the people in Gibraltar and what they’re doing, the possibilities are endless. So just imagine people on the other side of the world, people everywhere. And then think of the fact that you could be lying on the sofa browsing on YouTube, watching the most obscure videos and at the same time somebody else somewhere is doing exactly the same, with the same video. Does your brain hurt yet?

6. Unless you’re operated on, your insides are in complete darkness.

This is another self-explanatory one I thought about the other day when I was reading a medical article on a news website. We all know what the food we eat looks like and we all know, roughly, what a stomach looks like, but we never see one in the other; our insides are all in complete darkness unless we get operated on.

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