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Dec 08 - RGP Donates Vehicle to St. Bernard's Paramedics

paramedics The paramedic’s team of St. Bernard’s Hospital was today presented with a new vehicle courtesy of the Royal Gibraltar Police. The service vehicle was formerly involved in criminal activity but will now be used to respond to incidents requiring primary or secondary aide.

With the team, made up of Paul Watson, Sigurd Haveland, Jennifer Garrett and Mikey Valarino, now qualified to administer drugs to patients the new vehicle will allow them to attend to incidents that may not require the service of an ambulance, or may need a quicker response. The car will be able to provide additional service to any incident that may require the aid of multiple emergency services.

Commenting on the handover, Health Minister Dr. Cortes noted that the team had made incredible development in advancing the ambulance service, with them making ‘quantum leaps’ since the legislation allowing them to administer drugs was passed. Their move into the forefront of the paramedic service also included a three-year course, carried out through the GHA’s school of Health partnership with Kingston University and registering with the Healthcare Professions Council.