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Feb 17 - Master Service Takes on Extra Recycling Duties

recycling The Department of the Environment have amped up their recycling amenities with a new partnership between the Department and Master Service. The collaboration will see the introduction of roving recycling bins moved to different locations by Master Service electric vehicles.

These new bins will allow for a host of other items to be recycled including bulbs, batteries, CDs and DVDs, mobile phones, florescent tubes, mixed packaging, glass and paper and cardboard. The units will be left in locations around Gibraltar on two- week cycles, from 8am to 7am the following day, except at Morrison’s car park, where the unit will be on site for two consecutive days, on Saturday and Sunday.

Another two units, for cans, plastics, tetra brik and glass, will be positioned overnight only in Irish Town (by Orange Bastion) and John Mackintosh Square from Monday to Saturday from 8pm to 7am. recycling

This new move comes following the release of figures revealing that recycling in Gibraltar has risen since 2012, with mixed packaging recycling increasing by 12%, glass increasing by 24% and paper and cardboard by a massive 280%.

The move to expand recycling capabilities comes in an effort to achieve targets required by the EU to expand 50% by 2020. Environmental Minister Dr. Cortes suggested taking the roving units round schools in an effort to influence children to recycle.