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Apr 23 – Borders And Coastguard Agency Launches New Website

The Borders and Coastguard Agency (BCA) recently launched www.gibraltarborder.gi an informative website devoted to increasing knowledge of the Agency and designed to provide real time travel updates. This includes land frontier queue information as well as access to real time frontier queue cameras, its Twitter feed @gibraltarborder along with flight and cruise liner schedules, making the website an effective travel planner. Travellers planning a trip to Gibraltar can, prior to travelling, use the interactive Visa and Entry section to confirm whether they require a Visa to enter Gibraltar or if they qualify for a Visa Waiver.

The Borders and Coastguard Agency website provides information and resources on Gibraltar’s immigration laws and policies. The site also allows visitors to give feedback by contacting the Agency either by email, telephone or a visit to the Headquarters situated at Winston Churchill Avenue.

With the launching of this new website the Agency aims to remain committed to improving the service it provides.

“We have developed the website, as part of the Agency's programme to make better use of information and communication technology.” said Andrew Bonfante the Chief Executive of the Borders and Coastguard Agency.

“With this new website, we hope to provide a resource where individuals can learn more about the Agency as well as Gibraltar’s immigration issues and we hope that visitors and locals alike will use the site as their travel planning tool of choice.” 
