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Sep 03 - GRA Campaign Raises Data Protection Awareness

graThe Gibraltar Regulatory Authority will tomorrow set out to raise awareness of Data Protection matters, by hosting a stand in the Piazza from 10am – 2pm. They will focus particularly on those connected to the protection of privacy online. The Commissioner has worked with the Education Department in order to promote the protection of personal data in the digital world.

The campaign has targeted different sectors of the community with information about their privacy rights, including the right to information granted by the Data Protection Act and the right to ensure that companies are processing our personal data properly. With much change envisioned in the data protection world, particularly with the proposed developments to European data protection legislation, the Commissioner is hopeful that long-awaited reforms are ahead. The Commissioner is proposing ‘to make Gibraltar more aware about privacy in today’s world’.

A statement by the GRA today noted that ‘Whilst there is little doubt that the use of social networking platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat bring with them a plethora of benefits, it is imperative that social networkers and internet users alike are aware of who can access the personal data they upload, and where all this data is held.’

For further information the Gibraltar Regulatory Authority can be contacted on +350 200 74636 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.