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RGP Staff Awards

21 December 2021
RGP Staff Awards

The Commissioner of Police, Richard Ullger, has recently presented two annual staff awards at New Mole House Police Headquarters.

The Gavin Clinton Constable of the Year Award

The Gavin Clinton Constable of the Year Award was presented to PC 156 Alex Povedano.

Superintendent Nolan Romero describes PC Povedano as “a hard working officer who is highly professional and who always demonstrates high standards of integrity. He is an experienced Command & Dispatch officer and, during the last year, he has developed his role and provided new Controllers with the necessary training to enable them to carry out their duties in the most effective way. He has also enhanced some of the IT systems which are in place to support the Control Room.”

The Support Staff Employee of the Year Award

The Support Staff Employee of the year award went to Keiron Dawson who has been the RGP’s Marine Mechanic for over 8 years.

He is described by his senior management as follows: “Keiron has been a fully committed and hardworking member of the Marine Section Team and has carried out and performed his duties in an exemplary manner throughout the years that he has undertaken his role. Upon the retirement of the last Fleet Manager, Keiron has stepped up to the challenge and has played a vital and instrumental part in the maintenance and repairs of all RGP vessels and has also assisted his colleagues at the Marine Section, without any hesitation whenever it has been required of him. This has not gone unnoticed. He is a very valued member of the RGP Marine Section Team and this award is an acknowledgement of his efforts and dedication.”

Commissioner Richard Ullger said:

‘It is never easy to single out just two members of our hard-working team and this has been another extra-ordinary year of policing during a pandemic.
But, no matter what difficulties they faced, this year’s two recipients are both well- deserving of their awards and I am delighted to recognise their contribution to the work of the RGP.’

Top pic: PC of the Year: (l – r): Supt Nolan Romero, Commissioner of Police, PC Alex Povedano, Sgt Tanya McLeod

Bottom pic: Support Staff Employee of the Year: (l – r): Supt Nolan Romero, Assistant Commissioner Cathal Yeats, Keiron Dawson, Commissioner of Police.