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Jan 22 - Michael Llamas Appointed Attorney General Successor

govtMr. Michael Llamas QC has been appointed Attorney General Ricky Rhoda CBE QC’s successor. Acting on the advice of the Specified appointments Commission in accordance with the provisions of the 2006 Gibraltar Constitution Order, the Governor made the announcement today. The position will see Mr. Llamas act as the 'principal legal advisor for the Government' as well as undertake Criminal and Civil court proceedings.

Mr. Llamas, who currently acts as the Government’s Chief Legal Advisor, will take up the position later in 2015. Both the Governor and Government congratulated Mr. Llamas on his appointment, today, with a Government spokesperson insisting the appointment had been made in good time before Mr. Rhoda’s announced retirement.

The process of the appointment came about via a high level working group that agreed a protocol to address issues including the context of future Specified Commission appointments.

On Mr. Llamas’ appointment, the Chief Minister noted that Mr. Llamas had been ‘shouldering the burden of much of the advisory work done for the Government in civil matters.

He added, ‘there can be no doubt that he will be an excellent AG for Gibraltar when he takes over from Mr Rhoda CBE QC. This appointment is appropriate recognition of his legal talent and hard work.’