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May 13 GSD call on Picardo to come clean on public finance Big Lie

GSD GibraltarThe GSD Opposition has welcomed the announcement that refurbishment works at three housing estates, namely: Glacis, Laguna and Moorish Castle Estates is commencing.  The GSD Opposition, however, notes that with the exception of the unfortunate plans to build extra floors, there is considerable overlap between what has been announced this week and what the Government announced last year in relation to these estates.  “People want less photo opportunities, less spin and less electioneering by attacking the GSD Government’s record in office.  Perhaps if they did that we would see more results," said a Spokesman.

The Opposition also welcomes the period of consultation with residents of each estate, which we hope will ensure that the end product is what tenants’ desire rather than what the Government thinks they would like.  The consultative exercise before announcing the initiative should at least avoid last year’s embarrassing fiasco where, to great fanfare (including the use of architects’ plans and drawings as on this occasion), the Government announced it was to build extra floors on these estates, only to abandon the plans following widespread complaints from tenants.

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May 13 - GGR Human Rights Award Presented to Hassans Lawyer

john restanoEquality Rights Group, the GGR have this year established an annual excellence and recognition award to celebrate individuals who have ‘contributed significantly to the advancement of equality, civil and human rights in Gibraltar. The award, which has been presented to John Restano of Hassans is set to be presented annually.

A spokesman for the group noted that Mr. Restano’s generous and highly successful work over the years in this field, including the Nadine Rodriquez housing case, the equalization of the age of consent and the recent equality in adoption, dubbed him a perfect candidate for the first award.

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Police BikesThe Royal Gibraltar Police’s Neighbourhood Policing Unit recently acquired sixteen Diamondback mountain bicycles. The bicycles will be located and deployed from the four District Offices and will be used by the Neighbourhood Policing officers to patrol their respective neighbourhood areas.

The bicycles will enable the Neighbourhood officers to more effectively patrol the residential estates and respond to neighbourhood concerns.

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May 10 Unite Achieves Parity Deal For Elderly Care Workers

Unite The UnionUnite the Union today announced that they had secured a deal with the Government that will see health professionals working for the Elderly Residential Services of the Care Agency transferred to the Gibraltar Health Authority under new working conditions and pay scales. This move will, in effect, restore the parity that had existed until 2009 between workers of both authorities.

The parity agreement, which was a Government commitment, ensures that workers will now be receiving the same pay for what they argue is the same work. Workers will also receive backdated wages.

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May 10 Smartphone Version Of Port Authority Website Launched

Gibraltar Port AuthorityA new mobile-optimised version of the Gibraltar Port Authority’s website has been launched. This follows the launch of a new website in October of last year.

The mobile phone version allows access to the full website facilities that users currently enjoy but in a more user-friendly format on all smartphones. The Port Authority says this will provide a more convenient and easy-to-read alternative for those who might be on the move with a simple top-level menu which gives quick and easy access to the different areas of the website.

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May 10 HMS Monmouth Arrives

HMS MonmouthThe Type 23 frigate HMS Monmouth arrived at the Naval base at lunch time. The ship’s company of around 180 personnel are now looking forward to spending some time ashore in Gibraltar.

Captain Commodore Gordon Ruddock said: “We are delighted to be here at the end of a busy seven month deployment. Gibraltar is the ideal last stop to refuel and stock up, it is also a perfect opportunity for the crew to relax and recuperate for a few days.”

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