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Local Businesses Reaffirm Defence Discount Service For British Forces Gibraltar

01 March 2024
Local Businesses Reaffirm Defence Discount Service For British Forces Gibraltar

The Defence Discount Service (DDS) is open to members of the Armed Forces community as well as MOD locally employed civilians.  

A statement from British Forces Gibraltar follows below:

Over the last three years, British Forces Gibraltar have been fortunate enough to collaborate  with over 57 businesses in Gibraltar to formalise a discount scheme that mutually benefits  both business and customer.  

The DDS is a free service which provides publicity for those businesses taking part. It also  offers businesses the flexibility to amend offers as and when they need to.  

Anyone eligible for the service can download the DDS app which provides a full list of the  businesses who have signed up for the service whilst letting you know what type of discount  the business offers.  

Commander British Forces Gibraltar, Commodore Tom Guy said: “I would like to thank the  businesses personally and on behalf of the people of British Forces Gibraltar, as well as  visiting Service personnel, for your continued support in being a member of the Defence  Discount Scheme.  

This service has been successful here in Gibraltar since June 2021 and since then we have  seen an increase in the number of businesses signed up. This fantastic service reinforces  the warm welcome we get from Gibraltar, and further emphasises the benefits our MOD  community is fortunate to enjoy here.  

Gibraltar holds a special place for the Armed Services, with many veterans and service  families returning to visit, so it is wonderful to see that this is so kindly reciprocated in the  form of the discount service to our people.”