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Editor's Blog Apr 23rd 2012

Are we alone?

In the grand scheme of things, at a universal level, many will argue that life on earth is a singular occurrence. The laws of probability dictate that this way of thinking is somewhat flawed due to the amount of galaxies that could have billions of solar systems just like ours.

But I am not going to be talking about little green men, I am going to be talking about why on a planet of 7 billion souls can we sometimes feel so alone. One can be alone and not think much of it. One can even say that being alone isn’t really that bad.

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Editor's Blog Apr 20th 2012


I am a hairy individual. My head hair has been described as being strong with little chance of losing it any time soon even though I am in my mid forties and most of the males in my family on my mothers side lost their head hair in their late twenties.

Head hair has never been a concern of mine, for many years I kept a style, which could be best described as High Speed Low Drag. Trips to the barbers were simple…A number one all over.

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Editor's Blog Apr 19th 2012

Unlucky in Love.

“Its so tough trying to meet interesting people” said a friend of mine some time ago. The disillusion of the dating scene had him up in arms. I looked at my own situation and found that I knew several interesting ladies in their own right, whom I would be happy to share my time with and do.

But what options would my friend have, when he seemed burnt out from trawling the bars and nightclubs over the weekends to find that significant other. “Stop trying so hard and they will eventually show up” I said, not really believing the statement as soon as it left my lips.

I know nothing of the internet dating and in the quest for knowledge I clicked on one of the links on my facebook page. My first attempt did not go well, everything was in French. I typed in match.com, the only internet dating site I know.

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Editor's Blog Apr 18th 2012

French Bread

My daughter went to France a few years ago, and on her return when asked what was her favourite thing whilst there, her reply was instant, BREAD.

I was very lucky to have done a whirlwind visit of southern France last weekend and all I had in my mind was to try this bread my daughter spoke of.

The thing is that I am a very big fan of bread.

I have it with everything, and everything with it. Oh, I know its no good for your love handles but what the hell. So when asked what would I like to eat, by my French companion, I said I want to try proper French bread.

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Editor's Blog Apr 12th 2012

Condoning Murder!

Notorious Mass Murderer Charles Manson was denied parole for the 12th and probably the last time. Manson was, together with so called Manson Family, convicted of seven murders in 1971. One of the victims was eight and a half month pregnant Sharon Tate, the wife of film director Roman Polanski.

Serial killers are nothing new, in America alone it is estimated that there are approximately 35 active serial killers at any one time. What makes them tick has been the preserve of psychologists from the beginning of the study of the mind.

How we deal with serial killers in the civilised world is a subject for much debate, some will say lock them up and throw away the key, others will say they must pay with their lives, while others are against the death penalty.

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