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Mar 04 - Gibraltar Yachting Business Development Association Launched

The Minister for Maritime Services, Albert Isola, and other dignitaries were present at a launch party yesterday evening of the GYBDA (Gibraltar Yachting Business Development Association).

The aim of the GYBDA is to work to develop the yachting sector in Gibraltar by creating the right business conditions for the success of the sector.

The Government has warmly welcomed the initiative and says it is keen to listen to the suggestions from GYBDA members on how they can smooth the legislative and administrative processes to create an environment for success.

GYBDA Chairman Richard Felipes stressed the need and desire to work “hand in glove” with the Government to build the foundations of a vibrant and profitable yachting industry. He went on to say that Gibraltar starts with the advantages of location, language and a globally respected Common Law legal system. He went on to say that it was now necessary to build out and consolidate from those solid bases.

The GYBDA held a constituent meeting in December 2015 in which a constitution was agreed and a board consisting of representatives from insurance companies, brokerages, legal firms, fuel suppliers and yacht service providers.

Founder member John Alcantara said that an interim board had worked for two years to create the association to give it form and direction. He said "Today marks the end of that process and the start of the life of the GYBDA as a force to drive the yachting business for the benefit of its members and the wider community".

Pictured: L-R: Minister Isola and GYBDA Chairman Richard Felipes. 
