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Jan 09 - Higginbotham Retires From Football

footballThe defender who helped prove Gibraltar’s capabilities during the GFA’s first UEFA grade football match, Danny Higginbotham, has announced his retirement from the game. In a statement released last night, Mr. Higginbotham, who’s career has seen him play for teams including Chester FC, Manchester United and Stoke, explained that the decision has not been taken lightly, but is one he could not avoid.

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Dec 03 Cricket This Saturday

gib cricket logoChristian Rocca will captain a Gibraltar Cricket Presidents XI versus a House of Lords & Commons XI this Saturday (7th December) at the Victoria Stadium.

The 40 over a side match commences at 11am and all are welcome along to watch some winter cricket from the stands.

Meanwhile the Presidents XI for the match has been named featuring players representing the great diversity of cricket in Gibraltar.

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Dec 02 - Gibraltar International Dance Organisation World Champions

IDO World Champions - GibraltarThe Gibraltar National Dance Team rocked Germany by being crowned World Champions at the recent World Show Dance Championships. The event was staged in Riesa, with 3,301 dancers from 34 nations taking part. The event was organised for the renowned world governing body the International Dance Organisation (IDO) by the Germany Dance Federation (TAF), FSVG Riesa and a good friend of Gibraltar, IDO Vice President Michael Wednt.

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