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Feb 13 - Gibraltar’s Got Talent Fourth Edition

ggtIdeal Productions is hosting the fourth edition of Gibraltar’s Got Talent early next month. Application forms can be ordered online by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or can be picked up from the Varyl Begg Social Club from Tuesday to Fridays at 6pm – 10pm.

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Feb 13 - King’s Chapel Hosts Lent Charity Lunches

chairty lunchAs per annual tradition, the King’s Chapel has teamed up with a number of other churches within Gibraltar’s Christian community, including St. Andrew’s, the local Methodist Church and the Cathedral of St. Mary the Crown, to host a series of lent charity lunches. The lunches will run every Wednesday for the next five weeks, with all funds raised being donated to Nazareth house who host a local outreach programme. Nazareth House organises regular lunches for the less fortunate individuals in our community.

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