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Jun 24 - Alvarez: “UK Does Not Speak For Gibraltar”

The Equality Rights Group Chairman has issued the following statement reacting to the news that the UK has voted to leave the EU: “Britain has spoken. But it has spoken for itself. Not for Gibraltar. That much is clear from the results of the In/Out EU Referendum held yesterday. As I said in our recently published book ‘From Town To City’, the UK’s democratic, majority decision taken yesterday is a game-changer for us in Gibraltar. It has to be a point of departure for the Rock!

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Jun 24 – “Europe Matters To Us” Says Picardo

The Chief Minister has said that the local referendum result delivers to Gibraltar’s political leaders “a clear mandate” to remain in the EU although uncertainty over the outcome given the close battle still being fought in the UK means that there is “nothing yet to celebrate.” He stressed that the high turnout was proof that "Europe matters to us."

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