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Sir Peter: Both GSD Leadership Candidates Capable Of Leading Party To Electoral Success

Sir Peter Caruana, former GSD leader and Chief Minister, has told party members that both Keith Azopardi and Damon Bossino “are capable of leading the party to electoral success” and that “both would govern Gibraltar, in an ever-evolving world, fairly and in the interests of the whole community as a modern, tolerant and inclusive society.” Sir Peter made these statements in a letter to party members ahead of the GSD’s leadership election tomorrow.

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GSD Leadership Election: Azopardi Launches New 200-Day Programme

A statement from Keith Azopardi follows below:

When I was elected GSD leader in 2017 I set out an initial 200- day programme which laid the basis of  work to broaden our appeal, initiate fresh outreach into the community, grow the membership and  lead to the gains in popular support at the last election. The increase in support happened in large  measure because of that early groundwork. I have also dedicated myself tirelessly to that vision of  change, regeneration and the strengthening of the Party since then. 

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GSD Leadership Election: Keith Azopardi - Differences Are Relevant

A statement from Keith Azopardi follows below:

In his letter released to the press and to GSD members yesterday Damon Bossino said he was  “saddened” about talk about differences and asked “why are we talking about differences now?” The  implication of that is that he was saying that I had first talked about differences. That is untrue and  unfair. Damon has been openly talking about the different views he holds for years.

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GSD Leadership Election: Statement By Elliott Phillips

A statement by Elliott Phillips follows below:

Why voting for Keith Azopardi matters?  

On 4/5 December the Executive Committee and the GSD membership will be asked to elect a GSD  leader and therefore the next Leader of the Opposition. Keith Azopardi and Damon Bossino will contest  next week’s leadership election. It is an important inflection point for the party and one which will have  significant repercussions for the Party moving forward if the right decision is not made.  

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