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Editor's Blog July 19th 2012

Eddie’s Blog – Better late than never!

The day has got away from me and I have only just realised that there isn’t a blog up today. Ooops. I hope you can all forgive me, and if you can’t well… I’ll survive.

Today I saw a fair few comments flying around (it’s a pun you’ll see why now) facebook about the Tornados, the noise they make, the annoying fact they have to close the runway so often and so on and so forth. It made me think, how little these magnificent machines (in my opinion) have made a difference in my life.

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Editor's Blog July 18th 2012

You can run, but can you hide?

So this morning, I came in to the office, just like any other morning, thinking to myself, what can I write about today that will cheer people up and maybe even get them thinking today? I came up blank… I asked around the office… No inspiration either. I moved on to friends on Facebook, still nothing and eventually it came to…

Was it divine intervention? NO! It was a press release that has inspired me this morning.

As you have all probably read this morning, someone was arrested for half a ton of Cannabis Resin, was found guilty, sentenced to eight years, did a runner, is being brought back to Gibraltar today as part of a European Arrest Warrant Extradition.

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Editor's Blog July 17th 2012

Good morn… no wait I’m running late today, so good afternoon. What can I say it’s been a long night for Eddie and the day seems like it may be even longer, but it’s not all “doom and gloom”, to coin the phrase from our Business Matters presenter.

It’s been a good night; yesterday evening we were very pleased to find out that one of our team member’s son was born. A very cute baby, mum and boy are doing great which has really cheered us all up here in the office, especially dad, he’s now got two weeks paternity leave…

So I think to myself, it’s good and it’s bad, it’s up and it’s down, the reality is you just have to make the most of it. Until I read yesterday’s press release about the Gibraltarian people and the unhealthy state we are in! The facts speak for themselves:

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Eddie's Blog July 16th 2012

Eddie here, how’s it going?

Hi there everybody, I hear that there was a bit of a ruckus with poor old Ed last week, and to give him a bit of time off I have been asked to step in. I’m Eddie, Ed’s long lost brother!

It’s been a long weekend and, to the best of my knowledge, one of the hottest we have had so far. The one thing I did notice this weekend though, the La Linea fair started, which means, Cavalcade on Saturday, Domingo Rociero on Sunday and another week ahead of drinks, casetas, rides and spending Euros.

Or Does it?

A vast number of social media groups in Gibraltar have been pushing the boycotting of the fair this year, due to the Spanish behaviour, incursions into our waters, massively exaggerated frontier queues and, without wanting to sound like I am throwing my toys out of my pram, they won the Euro!

So has everyone been boycotting the fair? Well by the looks of Facebook this morning I would have to say, “it doesn’t look that way”. The number of pictures I have seen with photos from Domingo Rociero, small cups, tinto verrano and rather drunk looking faces everywhere. It gives me the indication that not everyone feels that boycotting the fair is worth missing out on some fun for, no matter what the Spanish have done.

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Editor's Blog July 13th 2012


Yesterday’s blog seems to have created a bit of a fuss. The media today is torn apart with the illusions of free press, when in reality we all have to bend substantially more than we would like to.

The subject of the blog yesterday was not in any way targeted against any group of people, nor was it meant to offend anyone, however it was an atheist’s viewpoint on mutilation, and what is viewed as acceptable or not in today’s world.

We received a fair number of messages from the local community here in Gibraltar, and although they may have seen it as an attack, it really wasn’t.

The press, jokes and religion seldom seem to go together well. Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that printed the cartoons that depicted the prophet Muhammad, nearly had their offices torched, the writers stoned and created what has been termed as the biggest international crisis that Denmark had seen for years.

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