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Editor's Blog mar 07th 2012

It’s a funny world…

“Funny! Funny how? Funny like a clown? Funny, like it was put on this world to amuse you?”

There are things we see and hear every day that make us chuckle and things that make us sad. What we mustn’t do, is take too many of either to heart, as either you end up laughing like the Mad Hatter (and people think your crazy) or you end up sad, lonely and depressed.

I like to think that I have the right balance of happy, sad, funny and weird moments in my life, to keep me on the right track. I saw a quote the other day that stopped me and made me think:

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Editor's Blog Mar 06th 2012

We All Get Old

Out of all the stages of life, old is the state we spend the longest in. Medical advances have made sure that while, by rights, we should have kicked the bucket due to a bunch of innocuous childhood diseases or some not so harmless adult ailments, we continue to live for longer.

The sad thing is that while we accumulate a whole bunch of experiences as we get older there comes a time when no one really listens, we begin to lose touch with the real world and its technological advances. I can imagine how my Grand mother feels when she sees an iPad and although she says, “wow that’s great”, what she is really thinking is that, the little screen thingy is the work of Satan.

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Editor's Blog Mar 05th 2012

Queue? What Queue?

I really do not understand what all the fuss is about in regards to the frontier queues. Its not like any of this is new to us. Even with the PSOE Government in charge we still had queues.

But I suppose its one of the more evident manifestations of Spain’s P.P. Party’s powerlessness over the people of Gibraltar, like a child throwing it’s toys out of the pram.  I am not anti Spain or even anti Spanish, I am however anti politician.

As certain as a new couch will be farted on, Spanish Politicians especially the older Franco and post Franco era politicians will quickly turn their nationalistic eye to the thorn in their side.

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Editor's Blog Mar 02nd 2012

How to punish your man for bad behaviour.

There are many forums on the Internet that berate and offer tips on how to “deal”, yes, DEAL with immature men. Sorry, you want to deal with immature men?

One of my favourite quotes from one page states in bold “REWARD MATURE BEHAVIOUR, PUNISH BAD BEHAVIOUR”.  It states very clearly that this tip is taken from strategies developed by dog trainer. Really? Dog trainers. 

It goes on to say that you should punish your man by withdrawing his favourite food or bedroom activity.

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Editor's Blog March 01 2012

“Cower now brief mortals, for I am Death from whom no lock may hold nor fastened portal bar”  Terry Pratchett

The quote above has sat with me since I first read it years ago. It quite simply means to me, that death when it comes knocking is as natural as life and must be accepted as the inevitable truth.

What happens to you when you die? A question that sits at the back of your mind from the moment you realise your own mortality. For some this realisation comes very early in life, paralysing you with fear in the dark thinking that at anytime you will not be anymore.

Many cultures have developed an afterlife; it’s the crutch that is required to be able to exist as a sentient being. Believing in an afterlife is OK if it works for you, but do you really believe it?

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