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Editor's Blog Feb 22nd 2012

The big Identity Crisis.

This morning I awoke feeling a bit strange. I did what I always do when I feel that way. I rode around to the eastern side of Gibraltar and watched the sunrise.

Watching something that has happened every day for a few billion years tends to put things into perspective. Any feelings I have of losing my grip on reality tend to disappear when that big fiery ball rises from the horizon in all its glory.  You cannot get more real than trillions and trillions of tons of flaming hot hydrogen hanging in the sky.

Why Would I be feeling strange, I hear you ask? Well because for a few months now I have been metamorphosing into a wholly new person: New job, new relationships and new physical appearance. I looked in the mirror and asked myself who are you? To reply truthfully I say I do not know.

What I am at my core is basically still the same but I sometimes feel myself losing that too. So I revert to doing something that I have done with regularity most of my life, watch the sunrise. It is one thing that has always been there consistently while other things change.

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Editor's Blog Feb 21st 2012


It’s Pancake Day, with the ingredients to make the best pancake being pretty innocuous stuff, flour, salt, eggs, milk, water, and butter.

But behind closed doors, in state of the art science labs, men and women in white coats are creating something sinister. Something, which if they are able to iron out some of the problems they are encountering, could even be on our plates sooner than we can say “Lemon for your Pancake”.

I am talking about Laboratory grown beef. Many of the broadsheets have been writing about this since 17th June when Prof Mitsuyuki Ikeda announced to the scientific world his Faecal Burger. Bull shit! I hear you all shout in unison, No Human, I retort.

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Editor's Blog Feb 20th 2012

Monday Morning Blues

This morning I woke up early… I mean before the alarm clock early… looked at it, and decided, defiantly, that I wouldn’t get up until it went off… So, as it went off, in my hand, I switched it off and got up, thinking to myself, why couldn’t I have slept that extra fifteen minutes?

So it’s Monday morning, and as always, the first thing I see on Facebook is Monday morning blues comments from people. Why is it so bad that it’s Monday morning? Society has decided that it’s just not a good feeling!

Well I’ve been thinking about it. If we changed to a 3-day weekend, and had every Monday off, wouldn’t we feel just as bad about the Tuesday Morning Blues? Or does the fact that there is no alliteration make it less poignant on our human minds.

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Editor's Blog Feb 17th 2012

The Friday Ritual

It’s Friday, and I am conveniently recovered from my brush with death yesterday. There is a burning desire to see the end of my watch, so I can run down town and knock back a couple of drinks at my favourite watering hole.

The purpose of this almost ritualistic behaviour is twofold; on the one hand it serves as opportunity to depressurise from the rigors of a busy week, on the other hand it gives me a reason to do some networking and on a personal note meet new people.

But Alas, I am set to fail. All week I have been thinking of Friday, I have taken extra care with my appearance, I ironed all my clothes and I have a “game plan”.

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Editor's Blog Feb 16th 2012


Its that time of the year, when the crippling affliction known as “Man Flu” can strike down even the hardiest of males. Its debilitating symptoms can include the following.

1. Regression to childhood.

2. Pain amplified to levels unbearable even to a professional Sado Masochist.

3. Irritation.

4. Photosensitivity.

5. Runny Nose

6. Crying out for chicken soup and Attention.

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