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Editor's Blog Nov 28th 2011

Traffic and tribulations

 There’s nothing like Mondays to test one’s patience, be it the early morning chill, the return to the week’s routines or even just the quality of the coffee as you stare bleary eyed into the abyss of an intransigent Microsoft excel document that. Just… Wont... Calculate!

 With that said there’s nothing that induces a more exquisite rage, then the traffic in Gibraltar. I understand that “traffic” is something of a generalisation, but I find it’s the only way to put it, as the issues are so pervasive in every area of that department; if it were a person, this is where the family would be tearfully pulling the plug on its convulsing, disease-ridden body.

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Editor's Blog Nov 25th 2011

Don’t get mad, get involved

 When tourists flood into Gibraltar, they are greeted by the sight of the brand spanking new airport, shimmering under the backdrop of the Rock, or the new houses popping up from the walk through Watergardens. They see casemates and Main Street, with master services dutifully tidying every crumb, cigarette butt and discarded chewing gum, the façade is impeccable, the reality of the situation though, wouldn’t make it into the glossy photos.

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Editor's Blog Nov 23rd 2011

A Blog a day keeps the Blaggers at Bay – UK

I headed off to the UK for the weekend, Portsmouth to be precise. I was invited, as usual, to attend the Portsmouth Open Karate Tournament. The tournament is part homage to my friends and those that still partake in competition, and part reminiscence for the days I partook in such competitions, with very limited success I might add.

I took video footage and it will be on the yourgibraltartv.com website this week for you to check out, along with a voice-over by yours truly.

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Editor's Blog Nov 16th 2011


 Or rather, no smoking; UK news this morning reported that they are about to ban smoking in vehicles: i.e. your car. Now at first this may be a shocker to you, the independent, private, smog inducing free citizen. It is most definitely your car and your body, but I’m guessing your car isn’t a single-seater; maybe you are a parent or a grandparent. What about the health of your passengers I ask.

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Editor's Blog Nov 11th 2011

Editor's Blog Nov 11th 2011 - Poppies

  An amazing fact it’s the 11/11/11 but it’s not really, its 2011, but you know how people love to get into numerology. Still it is significant; in so much as it is the day our forces poppy sellers take to the streets and if you haven’t got one already, you can buy one, lose it by lunchtime and buy another one or two before you get home. It’s the bloody pins - they don’t stay in. Still it is a day I’ve known all my life and watching the cenotaph parade in London as a child it somehow brings that pride in one’s country that is often sadly lacking in these modern times. Nothing like a good conflict to rally the troops I suppose.

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